The Three Hunters
- Year of Production
- 2024
- Content Type
- 3D Animation
- Target Age
- Teens
- Quantity
- 3(min) 52Quantity Input
- Production Stage
- Projects in Production
- Detailed Genre
- Comic Action
● Content
- Title : The Three Hunters
- Format : Full HD 3D CGI animated TV series
- Length : 3 mins x 52 episodes
- Genre : Slapstick comedy/ nonverbal/adventure
● Concept
In a primitive village, there was a nice restaurant where people could eat without hunting themselves.
But one day, the restaurant suddenly closed and people fell into chaos.
Now they have to get their own food...
- Title : The Three Hunters
- Format : Full HD 3D CGI animated TV series
- Length : 3 mins x 52 episodes
- Genre : Slapstick comedy/ nonverbal/adventure
● Concept
In a primitive village, there was a nice restaurant where people could eat without hunting themselves.
But one day, the restaurant suddenly closed and people fell into chaos.
Now they have to get their own food...
Company Profile
Broadcasting Character Cartoon Animation Other
Pixtrend Inc. was established for overall business consulting and marketing from various content planning to distribution. It distributes contents worldwide and looks for co-production and investment based on many years of experience in contents business .
In the future, we aim to lead globalization of cultural contents in Korea as well as to find opportunity for global distribution of contents , investment and co-production.
In the future, we aim to lead globalization of cultural contents in Korea as well as to find opportunity for global distribution of contents , investment and co-production.