

Year of Production


Ulkin Canvas is an on-demand IP commerce solution that can gather valuable visual IPs (visual licenses) from all over the world, such as art, celebrities, and character IPs, and produce them into the desired products. It creates an ecosystem where IP copyright protection and IP transactions are possible between individuals, and acts as a distribution and licensing brand egggator for visual IP. It helps creators increase their income and creative activities by providing an opportunity to sell their creations, and grows their customer-responsive visual IPs into data to become brand licenses. In addition, it seeks a sustainable system by minimizing inventory through on-demand manufacturing and fulfillment services.

Company Profile

Fashion Startup

omniart co.,ltd

Omniart realizes sustainable value through design that considers the environment and culture that will be passed down to future generations, and businesses that close the gap between art and the public. It is a fashion-tech startup that revolutionizes the customer value chain by providing products and services that are right for visual artists and customers through sustainability-seeking business and VISUAL IP solutions.

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