
2023 대한민국 게임백서_영중문 요약본

2024-07-03 한국콘텐츠진흥원


  • 2023 GAME INDUSTRY WHITE PAPER | SUMMARY | ENGLISH / 中文 | Character | 표지 이미지


    • Part 1. Introduction
      • 1.1. Gaming Industry Trends in 2022
    • Part 2. Key Issues in the Domestic Gaming Industry in 2022
      • 2.1. Termination of the Game Shutdown Law and Implementation of the Game Hour Selection System
      • 2.2. Pilot Operation of Redemption Arcade Game Facility
      • 2.3. Games Recognized as Cultural Arts
      • 2.4. , Winner of Three Awards at Gamescom, Challenges Console Game Market
      • 2.5. Game Shows Returning to Offline after 3 Years
      • 2.6. Subcultural Genres Becoming Mainstream
      • 2.7. Promising Indie Games, Growing Market Interest
      • 2.8. Games Emerge as a Major Keyword in Political World
      • 2.9. Saudi Oil money, a Big Player in the Game Industry
      • 2.10. Diversification of Game Platforms
    • Part 3. Game Play Charactertistics
      • 3.1. Overall Game Usage Rate
      • 3.1. Game Usage Rate by Platform


    • - In 2022, the domestic gaming market was valued at USD 17,195 million, reflecting a 5.8% increase from 2021 (6.3% decrease in dollars due to rise in exchange rate).

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