We make the best content for kids.
COMICCITY is a global kids edutainment company.
Moving beyond the limits of traditional media platforms,
we create original contents and enable audiences everywhere to enjoy it.


Business Description

- 21. 12 KBS Broadcasting, highest viewership rating of 1.2%
- 21. 06 Selected for the 2nd KBS animation contest 'Joodyssey'
- 21.05 Animation Boot Camp selection 'New content using Joodyssey IP'
- 20.05 Judyssey main production (pre-production and part of the main process)
Support for domestic animation production, development of new character IP, and selection of start-up power plant business (KOCCA)
- 19. 10 Joodyssey Trailer pilot video released
- 19. 10 Converted to Comic City Corporation
- 19. 06 Selected as an overseas application registration support project
JOODYSSEY trademark rights registered in Korea, India, Europe / Korea and China character copyright registration
- 19. 05 Selected as preliminary entrepreneur package support project


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