Colorful Brain Friend

Colorful Brain Friend helps improving incorrect stereotypes and misperceptions about neurodiversity such as autism, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, ADHD, epilepsy, tics, and tourette syndrome etc. The company helps children with neurodiversity developing a positive neurodivergent identity for themselves.
<The Squirrels> cartoon episodes imply neurodivergent kids having a school life, explaining 'the diversity' in one species, the squirrel, to show the message of inclusion and acceptance. The contents shows duplicated disabilities in real life, and it is not regarded as a threshold to overcome. The Ten different squirrels have their own characteristics including neurodivergent traits and these are linked to the squirrels' traits, thus, a squirrels' universe is created.
The current status of the intellectual property:
- Domestic copyright on the characters and cartoon is completed.
- Domestic trademark is in progress for registration.
- Copyright in the United States is working in progress.
- Madrid trademark for International IP is woking in progress with the Firm, 'We the People'.

Business Description

2024. 2. 22 Foundation of the single-person business company
2024. 3. 15 Selected for the <2024 K-Contents Overseas Copyright, Trademark Registration>
2024. 3. 18 <Hi! I am Dodo, the squirrel> The first episode of <The Squirrels> release
2024. 3. 19-23 The first ‘Neurodiversity Celebration Week’ campaign in Korea
2024. 4. 23 Monthly Column Contribution in the ‘Korean Interdisciplinary Council on Early Intervention’
2024. 5. 21 M.O.U with arirang TV media<2024 Contents Company Marketplace Standing Point Support>
2024. 6. 1 M.O.U with ‘Korean Interdisciplinary Council on Early Intervention’
2024. 7.12-13 The 3rd Autism Exposition, over 700 visitors in two days.
2024. 8.27-29 BroadCast WorldWide 2024
2024. 10.11-13 Seoul Pop-up Festival & I Love Character Licensing Show 2024
2024. 11.29-12.1 Seoul Illust Korea Winter 2024


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