Hello Nini and Family

Year of Production
Content Type
Target Age
Product Type
Production Stage
In Production
Detailed Genre
Comic Action


The main character is Nini and her family, and their friends are dinosaurs who live in a small village on the volcanic island of Fung Fung Island. They are spending a happy days at home, village, school in modern civilization like us. Another world that existed a long time ago, but now dinosaurs are still alive. It shows the love of a true family, which becomes fading in modern homes through comic everyday sympathy of the dinosaur family that resembles our common family.

Company Profile

Character Animation

StudioVandal Co,. Ltd

The best and only creative animation studio in Busan.
Implementing the whole process in animation studio of planning, production, and editing.
So far Studio Vandal has grown successfully and it’s become the best production company of flash animation in Korea.

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