SPODY Quin & Riley Series

Year of Production



Our content leverages XR (Extended Reality) technology to offer interactive, motion-sensing physical activities that can be used anytime, anywhere. It allows users worldwide to play together through network modes, engaging in cooperative or competitive gameplay.

We have created our content based on a story-driven narrative and universe, ensuring a fast-paced experience. The inclusion of random elements in maps and objects keeps the gameplay exciting and prevents boredom, promoting rich and engaging learning experiences through play.

By providing immersive interactive experiences, we increase participation and interest in sports and education. The development of motion recognition technology also opens up applications in medical and rehabilitation fields, helping with injury recovery and improving movement patterns.

The global alpha generation, familiar with digital devices, prefers classes that use new technologies over traditional media. We target the growing demand for natural learning environments facilitated through play-based learning.

We also plan to expand our IP business beyond games to include books and webtoons, ensuring our story and characters reach a wider audience through various platforms.

Company Profile


Immersive Content

VVR Co., Ltd.

We aim to combine education with VR/AR/XR to revolutionize education.

Our goal is to cultivate global talent who can think creatively and push beyond the limits of traditional 2D education through immersive 3D learning.

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