SBS Contents Hub

Dr. Romantic 2

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 70 min 16 Quantity Input


We live in an age of hatred. Between liberals and conservatives, employers and employees, even between man and woman... Everything splits into two opposite extremes just to be hatred. The diversity is ignored, and the people are fighting against each other. 'Respect' for one another is disappearing. It is the reason to warmly encourage and console one another more.

Stories about humans and humanly things will once again fill up this season. Rather than hate, people dream of a world full of respect for one another, wondering what they live for and why they’re living the way they are. For the many people who have lost their way, Teacher Kim’s romance, still as beautiful as ever, will be shared.