SBS Contents Hub

Hot Stove League

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 70 min 16 Quantity Input


The Dreams have finished in the last place for the past three years. Besides their star player, Im Dong-kyu, everyone else on the team is just ordinary and even falling into a slump. The Dreams is the kind of team where no player wants to be drafted into.
Kyung-min, the nephew of Jaesong Group’s chairman, uncle gives him a secret mission to break up the Dreams as naturally as possible without making it a local issue or upsetting the fans.
Kyung-min purposely replaces the current head of the team with Baek Seung-soo, who barely knows the rules of baseball and only has experience with wrestling, hockey, and handball teams. Despite his reputation for leading every team to victory, he is very unlucky, with each team dissolving shortly after because of their financially struggling companies. While everyone trusts Coach Yoon to be a reliable coach, Seung-soo must shape the Dreams into the best team.