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Secret Mother

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Adults
  • Quantity 16 min 70 Quantity Input


On one side is a mysterious, emotionally-suppressed Gangnam tiger mom who is exceedingly devoted to her family and child. On the other is a mysterious college prep tutor who, despite her impressive overseas resumé, is more focused on the child’s mother than on the child’s education. It is hard to tell whether the two women, each with their own secrets, are friends or foes as they flit back and forth between enmity and amity. But despite being polar opposites, they somehow manage to get along as secrets are uncovered and traumas overcome.

Duration : 16 eps * 70 min
Writer : Hwang Ye-jin ('Mystery Freshman')
Director : Park Yong-sun ('Wanted', 'Divorce Lawyer in Love')
Cast : Kim So-yeon, Song Yoon-a, Kim Tae-woo, Song Jae-rim