Googo (Official Book Trailer)

  • Genre Other


Googo is a whale that lives on the land, and is always teased by his friends for not being good at anything. One day, while he is rescuing a friend that had fallen into a river, Googo learns about the ocean. Mesmerized, Googo decides to leave for the ocean, and starts his long journey after his friends have helped him adjust to the ocean environment. After walking for days, Googo finally reaches the ocean and dives in, only to be shocked by its freezing waters. Googo faints and sinks to the depths of the ocean, but he comes back to his senses and swims towards a faint light, eventually breaking the surface of the water and taking his first breath in the ocean. Now Googo can sail the ocean with ease, and his story shows the courage of overcoming one’s limits to achieve ones’ dreams.