Hide and Seek

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Short)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 70 min 24 Quantity Input


“Beauty’s Morning” is a brand that emphasizes the beauty of nature. It is a brand Korean women look up and one that makes products that all women have in their makeup bags. However, they are hiding an ugly secret.
The secret is that they have adopted someone to accept the fate of the heir, who is weak and was told that she’d die before the age of 20. She often collapses for no specific reason and worried the entire family. When the family learned that the only way to save her is to have someone else accept her faith, they decided to sacrifice some other child. This must have aroused the wrath of deities and the girl lived, but disappeared and the child that was supposed to die instead of the heir lives and becomes the heir.
“Hide and Seek” tells a story about the secrets and desires of the heir of Korea’s number 1 cosmetics brand and a girl that has to live the life that was meant for the heir.