The Banker

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 70 min 16 Quantity Input


Since the beginning of history, money always followed power and power eventually triggered desire for money. Money leads to more money, which becomes even more money. We live in a world where money rules. Huge cartels led by powerful people and parasitic groups that live off of them are still running as always. The gateman that craves power doesn’t hesitate to open the door to anyone who would take him a step closer to the inner circle. A hero that will help get rid of the corruption and unjust, someone who knows how to encourage a younger colleague at work with warm words, but who can also give a sound piece of advice to his boss, someone who can cheer up a co-worker that has his shoulders sagging with a glass of soju, but who is also a loving and considerate husband at home. A hero that is much like your next-door-neighbor shows up in the form of a banker that witnesses the corruption of gangs, and can help banks be reformed.