
  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Adults
  • Quantity 70 min 16 Quantity Input


On the day of Yuil Constuction’s charity concert, the daughter of Seo-jin, the company’s youngest director, goes missing. Seo-jin tries to find his daughter, but even the police aren’t making much progress. Meanwhile, the chance of a heart transplant Ae-ri was looking forward to for her mother is lost. Ae-ri loses her phone and keeps calling her number. The phone is answered by Seo-jin, who is waiting for the abductor to call. Seo-jin sends the person that called a missing flyer of his daughter Da-bin. Right then, the abductor sends a part of Da-bin’s body to Seo-jin and his wife commits suicide from shock. Seo-jin is devastated after losing his family all at once, but he gets a message from Ae-ri. “I saw this girl”.