King of Pigs

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform OTT Operator
  • Target Age Adults
  • Quantity 60 min 10 Quantity Input


[King of Pigs] is based on the award-winning animated film from visionary director Sng-ho Yeon(Train to Busan).
In this series, we witness a traumatized victim from school violence becoming a monster.
Piled up since his dystopian-like school days where violence is rife based upon hierarchical relationships under irresponsible supervision, this monster turns into a serial killer.
Highly organized and ruthlessly efficient in his crimes, this serial killer ruins perpetrators’ current lives and chips away at their accomplishment until eventually murders them As he carries on with a vengeance, more secrets and truths are revealed that have been silenced for decades…