No country for K-POP

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Mini-series)
  • Platform OTT Operator
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 70 min 16 Quantity Input


Eugenia, an ex-entertainment journalist is running a small and very quiet restaurant in town.
Working in the entertainment industry was her long-cherished dream, but it wasn’t as ideal as she thought. Since she discovered the ugly side of business and people she worked with, she didn’t want to be part of it anymore. Eugenia left her job, and yet she is remembered by many celebrities who highly admire her work ethics and upright personality.
These celebrities, K-POP artists begin to show up at Eugenia’s restaurant one by one.
Living as everybody’s sweetheart but struggling with personal issues, the K-POP artists visit Eugenia’s restaurant to seek for help.
Eugenia gives cool-headed advice, but what they get more is the true comfort from her words.
This tie brings them together, and the artists eventually decide to drum Eugenia’s ‘dead’ restaurant up in thanks. In a flash, the restaurant goes viral and gets picked up by mainstream media worldwide.