The Nation's Best Receipt

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Entertainment
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 60 min 12 Quantity Input


We all want money. We all wanna become a rich. But where is all the money? Why does it always feel like everyone is making money but me? The answer is in your RECEIPT!
is a studio talk show where the hosts and the guests talk about finding solutions to the financial problems that can happen to anyone.
Sounds boring already? Please put your assumption aside just for a sec and see how this surprisingly fun show works.
In each episode, a story about having an economic problem is delivered to the studio with a "financial status cover-letter".
The hosts and celebrity panels shares the story in detail to figure out what the problem is.
Of course the show closes the episode by brings the most earnest and realistic tailored solutions for today's story coming from the real economy experts, the "money trainer"
See? It wasn't boring at all, right?

The show will let your realize that it's a lot more fun and less serious than expected to talk about money problem and financial information.
We'll help you find your leaking money and your precious life back by checking out, The Nation's Best Receipt