
 On a day when the sun is shining brightly, sundrops twinkle on every leaf. Raindrops fall down and permeate into the ground, but sundrops roam freely in the air. Thus, all day long in four seasons of the year, sundrops dance and fall in the wind, travelling all over the world. Sundrops embodying invisible light send the  energy of life to all of us, including small, young things like baby birds, lizards, buds, cicadas, cats, and bugs. Now the only one sundrop left behind goes to the tree to meet the sunshine, the mother who would have made it born. The young sundrop, which ate a lot of light like the mother’s milk little by little, bit by bit, and yum-yum, finally plumps up and is reborn as numerous sundrops. In the world that we have to  endure in solidarity, let’s create a bright, friendly, free, and beautiful world, following the sundrops.