Tell Me What I Want to Hear

  • Genre Other


 It’s a picture book that sprouts ‘a word of invincibility’ which can encourage  children to stand up confidently without hesitation no matter what happens. Writer Heo Eun Mi was inspired by a child whom she met at a lecture hall. The writer sought out a magical word that would help a lonely and hurt child. Finally, real and fictional characters are mixed together to create attractive  characters and stories. The main character’s emotions and heart are vivid through the pleasant talk and the words of a child condensed like a poem.

 Illustrator Eunyoung Cho boldly abbreviates the background and focuses only on the first-person speaker Dong-gu. As a result, Dong-gu’s inner world is richly embodied in wiggling lines and intense colors. We often see children from multicultural and single-parent families like Dong-gu. The forms of families have gradually diversified, but the children are still often looked at with discriminatory eyes. In this picture book, even chidren who are struggling with such prejudice can live proudly.