You and Me in Jeju Island

  • Genre Other


Jeju, a brilliantly beautiful island registered as a World Natural Heritage Site! But is Jeju just a beautiful place? In addition to the beautiful and mysterious  scenery, Jeju is full of ‘really precious and beautiful treasures.’ From Gosan Port, west of Jeju, to Jeoji Oreum, taking one step, feeling two steps, and tasting three steps, you can meet Jeju’s treasures hidden throughout the villages: wind power generators at Sinchang Beach, female divers and cuttlefish at Gosan Port,  Neolithic sites under Dangsanbong Peak, Jeju ponies designated as a natural monument, Chair Park in Nine Gut Village, white tangerine flowers in tangerine orchards, and so on.

Not only children but also adults can see the true nature of Jeju through the  geography and humanities of Jeju, Korea’s representative island. It is a  documentary picture book completed over the years by illustrator Kim Dongsung. He even climbed a 20-meter-high crane to capture Jeju’s inner flesh. You would burst into exclamations at his meticulous and affectionate painting. It can be found that this book was made by his sincerity of walking step by step.