
An educational program for kids (ages 3-9) that combines education with arts and crafts to help them expand their English vocabulary while having fun with it. Kids are able to maintain their focus without getting bored or distracted, as each episode lasts only 5 minutes and the words are expressed through the use of familiar art materials like paint, crayons, colored sand, colored papers, and clay.
The show is comprised of three seasons in total. In the first season, each of the 25 episodes deal with different topics such as insects, plants, foods, clothes, and sports. In the second season, its 104 episodes are divided into the three categories; Alphabets, Colors, and Comparison. The vocabulary that pertains to each category (eg. A, B, C, Red, Yellow, Big & Small, etc.) will be taught through various materials in each episode. The final season is made up of 130 episodes where kids learn about vocabulary related to different places such as schools and hospitals through storytelling in the “Let’s go to” series.