
  • Website :
  • Location : 101 40, Beodeul-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea
Big Fun is

an animation company into which the production technology of CGI animation with experience of 15 years and planning know-how for various kinds of contents such as movie, TV series animation, game, web-toon are combined.

Through the synergy of the rich planning ability and stable production line with both technologies of 2D and 3D, we will be a leading company of Korean model of OSMU.

Business Description

1. Animation production
- Having infrastructures for animation production of both 2D and 3D

2. New media business of IP planning and development
- From the initial stage to completed version using IP development know-how of our own

3. New media business
- A company that responds most rapidly to newly evolving media environment


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