
Name X Entertainment Corp.

CharacterAnimationStartupImmersive Content
NameX Entertainment plans IP centered around "Digital Characters," bringing these characters to life through animations that convey their stories.

This vitality is then spread through various derivative content.

Characters given value through storytelling can exist forever as virtual artists who interact with audiences or as entities within game worlds.

The characters encountered within the IP universe of NameX Entertainment tell stories that resonate with the times

These characters create a fandom culture content where fans continually want to learn more about them and share more of their time and emotions, thus enhancing the IP's value.


Business Description

ㅇ 2024년
- Original IP 'Dr.B-PANG' OTT series production on going (13 eps. X 7min)
- As of Mar.2024. YouTube's own account surpassed 700,000 subscribers

ㅇ 2023
- Feb to Dec 2023, character worldview planning and design development of
domestic food companies, and related video contents production (approximately
KRW 540 million in sales)
- Sep. Original IP 'Dr.B-PANG', 'X-mile' MD license agreement signed.
- May 2023, Dr. B-PANG won the excellence award in the feature category at the
"KOCCA 2023 Animation Planning and Development Contest"
- Apr. Original IP 'Burnout Island' Teaser Animation released on YouTube : Over 4 million views in 2 months

ㅇ 2022
- Dec. online store open (for Dr.B-PANG/Xmile goods)
- Dec. Original IP 'Dr.B-PANG' Teaser Animation released on YouTube : Over 6 million views in 4 months
- May. Attract investment (from whynot media, pre-A series)
- Jan. Planning & Producing - BR Korea Character “Pink Spoon”

ㅇ 2021
- Dec. 22nd Established Name X Ent.


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