
snowmanflies Inc.

Knocking on your heart, snowman flies.
StartupImmersive Content
The concept art company “Snowman flies Inc.” is a production company that deals with high-quality imaginative mise-en-scene and visual concepts
through cultural, artistic, and media genres, discovering small values of daily life and providing content and messages to sustain vitality.


Business Description

● Heymomo is an analog diary toolkit that helps you become a Time traveler and record and
remember your daily life through picture diaries, creating dynamic energy together.
Includes Time Traveller Manual.

● Heymomo Goods, created by gathering warm daily lives, curates the experience of accumulating vitamin content for me in a corner of my daily life.

● Heymomo suggests a better lifestyle through rediscovery of daily content and helps you recover from routine life

● The Showcase HUG was produced to introduce the artistway platform
as an audience-participating media interactive performance.


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