Real Design Tech Co.,Ltd.

GameStartupImmersive ContentOther
Real Design Tech is a first mover in indoor cycling technology. So it is the first in the world for both development technology and products.
It developed the world's first hardware platform for cycling on two rollers, and launched the world's first real cycling platform system ULTIRACER, which tracks the slope of the bicycle and the left and right positions on the road.
For the first time in the world, it tracks the left and right positions of bicycles moving freely on hardware platforms and synchronizes them in digital twin content, providing customers with a new experience of real cycling that they have never experienced before.
In particular, the immersion and surreal feeling of ULTIRACER's real cycling system has been confirmed through a 20-month clinical trial to improve walking function in seniors aged 65 and older and Parkinson's disease patients due to cognitive and balance regeneration effects, and medically meaningful data extraction is possible, so up to 86% of Parkinson's disease patients can be screened with just 30 seconds of cycling data. For these achievements, we received the Digital Health Innovation Award at CES2024.


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