Best Mistake

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Format(Scripted)
  • Platform Online Video Platform/MCN
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 10 min 15 Quantity Input


One photo, one mistake.

"To get rid of a stalker, I posted a boy’s photo on my profile, pretending that he was my boyfriend, but that boy turned out to be a school bully. I never thought I’d get caught up with these kids, but I did. And I can’t get away."

It all started with a photograph.
Yeon-du is a high school student; nothing about her stands out except her green bag.
To avoid Heo Jin-su, who went to middle school with her, Yeon-du picks out a random “boyfriend picture” from the internet and uploads it as her profile photo.

Yeon-du is relieved when Jin-su stops sending her messages, but when she arrives back at school, everything is in utter chaos. The boy from the photo turns out to be Ji Hyeon-ho, the school bully.

Hyeon-ho, annoyed that a random girl pretended to be his girlfriend, starts to tease Yeon-du; Yeon-du becomes Hyeon-ho’s way out of this mess.

Will Yeon-du and the bullies be able to have a pleasant school life?