Product Detail


  • Detailed Genre


  • Content Type

    2D Animation

  • Target Age


  • Production Stage

    Projects in Production

  • Quantity

    2 min 200 Quantity Input


We make a story seasonal. A season consists of 5 to 7 episodes, each episode being 60 to 180 seconds long. We plan to make 40 seasons in 2020. We are pursuing diversity, and as a result, CeREELs are very different from the other short form. CeREELs has three categories: RAP, Prose Poem, and Classics according to our original story and music genre. Specifically, it can be said to be an animation created by combining various musical genres, such as RAP, POP, RnB, Musical, Rock, etc., based on a brand new created story or an adaptation of a well-known classic from a new perspective. In addition, stories of CeREELs has been written in simple and refined English sentences from the early stage and it makes CeREELs content is not limited by age, gender and country. Because of the diversity of our contents, collaboration with artists such as painters and singers are possible and is actually being discussed.