Codename Housewife: The Missing Rock Stars is a stop motion animated
fantastic musical parody, filled with recognizable artists and celebrities in
caricature seen at every turn. Music we have all grown up with is sprinkled
throughout this unique American-Chinese Co-production.
Company Information
Since its foundation in 2004, H. Culture has been a stop motion animated tus producer and won two special awards for the Korea Animation Awards, a prize for cultural contents export, and a Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. In 2014, We are producing global animations with our partners in Europe, China and South America. In addition, we use overseas network to secure the rights to distribute overseas parts in Asia and worldwide.
Category & Business Type
Category : Copyright-holding Distributor, Producer, Sales Agent, OTT/IPTV, Investor
Business Type : Program Copyright Deals, Co-Production/Collaboration
Main Business
1. US-China joint animation production
In collaboration with Will Vinton - co-director and Simpson producer Bill Schultz, who won the academy award for his short animated film -Codename Ajumma, the investment of China China Film Group (10 billion Won), UK sales agent GFM Film
2. Overseas distribution
Signing animation titles to oversea as much as 500,000 USD
3. VOD Platform business
H Culture established VOD platform, Lookids TV in Indonesia and seeking New IPs