Spot animation showing short episodes of personified fruits and vegetables Situations include special processes in which fruit becomes food, daily situations that ordinary people have, or situations where you can create a repetitive rhythm, such as a beatbox.
Company Information
During the 14 years, FromEast Co.,Ltd has been built up many experiences, such as Full 3D animation, 3D stereoscopic and 3D movie, which are based on the 3D environment technologies and infrastructure.
FromEast Co.,Ltd has delivered various high quality of 3D animations, 3D games, 3D movies to domestic and oversea 3D markets and is also making domestic creative 3D contents.
Category & Business Type
Category : Game Production
Category : Producer, TV Broadcaster, Online/Mobile Platform
Business Type : Co-Production/Collaboration, Investment Attraction, Other, Licensing
Main Business
전통적 글로벌 애니메이션 시장을 3개의 권역( 중국, 동남아시아, 글로벌 )으로 구분하여 전략적, 전통적 방법의 접근을 시도함과 동시에 온라인 플랫폼을 활용한 글로벌 진출을 도모하고 있습니다.