
Able Games Co., Ltd.

Able Games is a game development company comprised of four key developers of King's Raid, a successful global mobile game from Vespa.

With experience and knowledge from developing King's Raid which hit 150 billion KRW in revenue, Able Games developed its first-ever mobile game, Idle MoonRabbit: AFK RPG. Within a year and a half since its launch as a stand-alone service without a publisher, the game generated 30 billion KRW of revenue. Some of our many feats include ranking 6th place in the 2022 Changu program hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, being awarded 1st place for benefiting the most from GSP Plus hosted by KOCCA, and being awarded Startup Company Award in the 2022 Game Awards.

Although we had started out with 4 members, we have now grown into a company with around 30 employees, and we plan to recruit 5 more this year. Games is a vibrant and youthful company with an average age of members at 29, where everyone including the CEO and key members all participates in the development process. By taking advantage of the mobility and versatility that come with being a small-scale team and implementing them into our unique development procedure, we have been showing rapid growth.


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