
ActionPower Corporation

StartupImmersive Content
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  • Location : 8, 9, 11th floor 1838, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea
1. Human Resources and Investment History

● We are a startup co-founded in 2016 by an analyst from the Department of Economics at Seoul National University and an AI developer who completed a PhD program at the Department of Computer Science at Seoul National University, with a workforce of about 50 people with professional capabilities.
● One of the best AI research teams in Korea We have 67% of our total workforce in R&D, and over 60% of our AI research team members have a master's degree or higher. The AI research team is composed of people with research experience at renowned universities in Korea and abroad, including Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and Carnegie Mellon University.
● In November 2021, we raised 13.3 billion won in Series A funding, bringing our total investment to more than 15 billion won.

2. Korea’s first AI-base voice recognition service, ‘daglo’

● We operate B2C (voice recognition service daglo( business and B2B/B2G businesses based on various AI technologies developed in-house, most notably our state-of-the-art (SoTA) voice recognition technology.
● In addition, we are researching and developing various natural language processing technologies to better utilize the resulting text data, and we are also conducting research and development in the field of image processing (computer vision) technology.
● daglo provides speech recognition services for 14 languages around the world, with a 99% accuracy rate (minimum 95%) for files recorded in controlled environments such as news, although this varies depending on the recording environment and topic.
● daglo has grown tremendously, now exceeding 400,000 users, and shows superior performance in the speech recognition field.
● daglo's speech recognition engine, which is the core of our technology, is an in-house developed model. We have developed various customized speech recognition engines for each field, and using them for B2B and B2G services.

Business Description


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