
Colorful Brain Friend

○ Colorful Brain Friend helps improving incorrect stereotypes and misperceptions about neurodiversity such as autism, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, ADHD, epilepsy, tics, and tourettesyndrome etc.
○ ColorfulBrainFriend helpschildren with neurodiversity a positive neurodivergentidentityfor themselves.
○ <The Squirrels> is a webtoon-based contents aimed at raising awareness of ‘neurodiversity’, which is the hot issue of the world.
○ There are 278 species of the squirrels distributed around the whole world. Among them, 10 squirrels appear as the main characters in each episode, and it is a work that correlates the unique characteristics of squirrels with the characteristics of neurodiversity.
○ The perspective of ‘neurodiversity’, which seeks to respect disability as human diversity rather than limiting it to disease, is shown through the natural life of a squirrel school.
○<The Squirrels> will help children with neurodiversity establish a positive identity.
○ By eliminating stereotypes and prejudices and expanding the range of understanding among those around people with disabilities, it will ultimately help create an inclusive society where people with disabilities can live together.
○ By explaining ‘difference’ as ‘diversity’ within the same species, it also conveys the message of inclusiveness that we are all ‘the same’ people.
○ Colorful Brain Friend has a solid synopsis of the worldview of <The Squirrels> to improve awareness of neurodiversity.

Business Description

2024. 2. 22 Foundation of the company
2024. 3. 15 Selected for the<2024 K-Contents Overseas Copyright, Trademark Registration>
2024. 3. 18 <Hi! I am Dodo, the squirrel> The first episode of <The Squirrels< release
2024. 3. 19-23 Planning and Execution of the first ‘Neurodiversity Celebration Week’campaign in Korea
2024. 4. 23 Monthly column on ‘Korean Interdisciplinary Council on Early Intervention’
2024. 5. 21 Selected for the<Marketplace Entry for the domestic contents company>
2024. 6. 1 MOU with ‘Korean Interdisciplinary Council on Early Intervention
2024. 7.12-13 (To be) participation in the 3rd Autism Exposition
2024. 8. 27-29 (To be) participation in the BroadCast World Wide 2024
2024. 10. 11-13 (To be) participation in the Seoul Pop-up Festival & I live Character Licensing Show 2024
2024. 11. 29-12. 1 (To be) participation in the Seoul Illust Korea Winter 2024


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