

Expressing willingness, media and victory to challenge the creation of diversely
StartupImmersive ContentOther
As a video content producer, we mainly produce advertisements, promotional videos, and sports-related videos.
It is also a sports miniWe produce documentaries and promotional videos for various sports events,
It is a company specialized in special environmental photography.


Business Description

April 1, 2017 ~ June 14, 2022 Marid J
Production of a promotional video for the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee
Production of the Korean Ski Association's Snowboard Textbook
Production of the Korea Ski Association's Ski Jumping Textbook
Production of Cross-Country Textbook of the Korea Ski Association
Production of the Korean Taekkyeon Association's referee's (English)
36th Shinhan Donghae Open NFT production (first in a golf event)
It's the 2020 Genesis Championship MiniProduction of commercial videos other than documentary production

2022. 6. 15 ~
Production of video content by the Korea Professional Golf Association
Production of video content by the Korea Ski Association
Video content production of the Korea Rural Community Corporation's 'Udeumchon'
The Korea Tourism Organization's 'Halal' educational video production
Pyeongchang Memorial Foundation produces many commercial videos other than PlayWinter video content


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