
  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Mobile Online (Scroll View)
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 98 Quantity Input


A desperate revenge of a twin begins after the death of his twin brother from school violence!

'Dokgo' is special case in the non-portal Webtoon market. As of the serialization period, the average weekly average of 2.5 million views was recorded, and cumulative sales reached 2 billion won after the completion. It is a Webtoon IP that is suitable for the real fourth industrial revolution era. It is not just a Webtoon that can be seen only on the web and mobile, but also a monographic publication, movie, drama, web movie, And various contents were produced. The monographs 'Dokgo' and 'Dokgo Rewind' series can be seen at the on-line bookstores nationwide. Especially, the animation PV was released to the public in December last year. In addition, 'Dokgo Rewind' was selected as a support project for KOCCA comic link in 2017, and the web movie is being actively for producing. ('Samhwa Networks' co-production confirmed)