• Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Mobile Online (Scroll View)
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 500 Quantity Input


MEENBAEKDOO UNIVERS is a unified world view that is based on Korea’s top action
noir webtoon series, which is 'Tong' and 'Dokgo' series. As an extension of these two main works, 'Blood Rain', 'Dokgo Rewind'(prequel of 'Dokgo'), spin-off 'Dokgo Flower' and also prequel of Series of Tong, which is 'Tong memories', and spin-off 'Tong Edge' are on service. Each Characters are blocked in each series, it is possible to combine and disassemble new stories, and it can be continuously developed as a spin-off, reboot work. It is aimed at not only making comic contents, but also expanding to second contents such as movies, dramas, animations, games, etc., to produce fans, as well as fandom worldwide, to become a total cultural brand like disney’s ‘Marvel studio’