Picky Roommate

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Mobile Online (Scroll View)
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 44 Quantity Input


Lee Ki-hyun, who is ranked first of enterance test, was forced to enter the dormitory due to his father's sudden overseas business trip. Meanwhile, Ko Seung-jo, who is ranked first in test on the first test of the school. Lee Ki-hyeon, who is so jealous of him, starts spying on Ko's everythings and beging Seung-jo to live together. What's that guy? Seungjo have been uncovered a his secret when both of guys are arguing..... after then Seungjo beqins to the 24-hour surveillance system against Ki-hyun.
Lee ki-hyeon, who didn't know how to look around and only knew himself, gets into a confrontation with his picky roommate, Ko Seung-jo, and feels precious things about being with him through a community life called "we" rather than "all alone," and finds out where his heart really is headed.