TONG Memories

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Web/Mobile Content
  • Platform OTT Operator
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 10 min 12 Quantity Input


Prequel mobile movie of Global heat webtoon 'tong' Series.
Korea First paid mobile movie contents, which based on Strong original work and a dynamic action!

Trio of busan Sangpyung middle school members Doo-hyun, Hyeong-woo, Jeong-woo,
after graduate Doo-hyun Jeong-woo enter a Dongha high school and Hyeong-woo enter Taedong high school.

at that time, no.2 of Dongha high school, Gong So-min try to succumb the newcommers by strength. but Jeong-woo beat them so easilly.
During the time Doo-hyun feels Competition and inferiority by Jeong-woo.

Jeong-woo conquer the 3rd grade student and take control the whole school. Gong So-min plan to use relationship with Taedong High school to
eliminate Jeong-woo. therefor, Jeong-woo, Doo-hyun Jeong-tae have to fight with their best friend Hyeong-woo, and danger approach to Doo-hyun.
Jeong-woo try to save Doo-hyun, and start everything going screwed.