2020 방송영상 산업백서 영문 요약본
- 1. General Status of the Broadcasting Industry
- 1.1 Overall Status of the Broadcasting Industry
- 1.2 Sales Status of the Broadcasting Industry by Sector
- 1.3 General Status of Broadcasting Industry Workers
- 1.4 The Status of the Broadcasting Industry’s Exports and
- 2. TV Ratings Analysis
- 2.1 Ratings by Major Sector in 2019
- 2.2 House Using Television (HUT) and Personal Using Television
(PUT) by Year
- 2.3 Ratings by Hour
- -The sales of the Korean broadcasting approximately reached KRW 20,843
billion in 2019. This number includes sales from five broadcasting business
sectors, including terrestrial broadcasting, cable television, satellite
broadcasting, program providers, and online content providers. In 2019, the
broadcasting industry sales increased by 5.4%, which is equivalent to KRW 1
trillion 808 billion. The average annual increase/decrease rate from 2015 to 2019
was 4.8%. .
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